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LDC class 1

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1.The match---------------- this morning.
A. was playing
B. was being played
C. is playing
D. playing
Answer: was being played
2. He ---------------- in Trivandrum since 1980.
A. was living
B. lived
C. is living
D. has been living
Answer: has been living
3. When we ---------------- oxygen through this liquid,
a blue precipitate is obtained.
A. pass B. have passed
B. passed D. was passing
Answer: pass
4. I----------------Shakespeare's King Lear.
A. reading B. read
S. have read D. has read
Answer: have read
5. He delayed replying---------------- my letter.
A. in B. to
C. of D. from
Answer: to
6. I have no faith ---------------- this man's story.
A. in B. of
C. along D. with
Answer: in
7. I ---------------- drive a car when I was twelve.
A. Can B. may
C. might D. Could
Answer: Could
8. He should see a doctor, ------------?
A. didn't he B. Should he
C. Shouldn't he D. isn't it
Answer: Shouldn't he
9. It wasn't an old car, ------------?
A. isn't it B. Was it
C. Wasn't it C. is it
Answer: Was it
10. The correctly spelt word is
A. irresponsible
B. irresponsable
C. iresponsible
D. irrespounsible
Answer: irresponsible
11. Correct spelling
A. grammar B. grammer
C. gramar D. gramer
Answer: grammar
12. The synonym of ''authentic'' is
A. superficial B. Sincere
C. genuine D. ancient
Answer: genuine
13. The train passes ---------------- a long tunnel.
A. in B. through
C. on D. between
Answer: through
14. The antonym of ''necessary'' is ---------------- .
A. enough
B. allowance
C. exemption
D. unnecessary
Answer: unnecessary
15. I saw her running ---------------- the road
A. through B. along
C. in D. at
Answer: along
Directions (Q No. 16-17) In which part of the sentence is wrong
16. A. Our Universities must given preference/ woman for admission/ C. to courses like/ D. medicine,
homecraft, foreign languages & Engineering.
Answer: Our Universities must given preference
17. A. After he fell off his bicycle/ B. he was in Considerable pain/ C. but the doctor advice him to do
some exercises/ D.which would strengthen his muscles.
Answer: but the doctor advice him to do some exercises
18. The doctor from ---------------- we got the prescription is a well known physician.
A. who B. where
C. that D. whom
Answer: whom
19. The clerk ---------------- helped us didn't expect anything in return.
A. who B. whom
C. which D. that
Answer: who
20. The synonym of ''haughty'' is ----------------.
A.modesty B. humble
C. arrogant D. insincere
Answer: arrogant
21. Let us go for a walk, ----------------?
A. shall we B. Shan't we
C. aren't us D. aren't we
Answer: shall we

22. I ---------------- the manager at seven O' Clock tomorrow morning.
A. met B. meets
C. had met D. am meeting
Answer: am meeting
23. He ---------------- by his uncle
A. was helped B. helps
C. helped D. will help
Answer: was helped
24. We ---------------- how to solve the problem.
A. did do B. tell
C. don't know D. told
Answer: don't know
25. Please stop ---------------- , you are disturbing the others in the library.
A. talk B. talks
C. have talk D. talking
Answer: talking
26. Correct spelling ----------------
A. Superintendent
B. Supertendent
C. Superintendend
D. Superindendent
Answer: Superintendent
27. The patient was breathing ---------------- difficulty
A. of B. with
C.against D. on
Answer: with
28. We ---------------- here for an hour.
A. waits
B. been waiting
C. have waiting
D. have been waiting
Answer: have been waiting
29. How long ---------------- the journey take?
A. is B. is going to
C. will D. ago
Answer: will
30. The best candidate should be appointed ---------------- the post
A. from B. to
C. of D. on
Answer: to
31. The synonym of ''obstinate'' is----------------
A. exact B. strange
C. stern D. stubborn
Answer: stubborn
32. The synonym of 'winsome' is ---------
A. charming B. barbarous
C. prosper D. instruct
Answer: charming
33. The antonym of ''acquit'' is ------------
A. defeat B.relax
C. condemn D. indigenous
Answer: condemn
34. The antonym of ''rigid'' is ---------------
A. clear B. polite
C.dangerous D. flexible
Answer: flexible
35. Directions (Q No. 35-37): In which part of the sentence is wrong:
35.A. In spite of having / B. many fault / C. he was a good man / D. at heart
Answer: many fault
36. A. The men manage / B. to survive/ C.
even though they / D. were without water for three
Answer: to survive
37. A. Much unknown plants / B. and animals are disappearing/
C. as the tropical forests/ D. are destroyed
Answer: Much unknown plants
38. Potatoes and onions ---------------- from sprouting by a new technology using radiation.
A. are preventing B. prevented
C. are prevented D. is prevented
Answer: are prevented
39. You have only half an hour left; so you'd better ---------------- the most of it.
A. made B. make
C. did D. does
Answer: make
40. The correctly spelt word is------------
A. simultenous B. saimultaneous
C. simultaneous D. simultanius
Answer: simultaneous
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