There are eight parts of speech in English. They are noun, pronoun, adjective, verb, adverb, preposition, conjunction and interjection.Exercise - 1
From abstract nouns from the following.
- ignorant
- oppose
- violent
- hate
- die
- hero
- patriot
- beggar
- agent
- able
- absent
- wide
- high
- poor
- novel
- see
- seize
- steal
- starve
- thief
Exercise -2
Write the femine gender of the following words
- master
- emperor
- conductor
- shephered
- mayor
- milk-man
- heir
- widower
- pea-cock
- he-goat
- fox
- earl
- monk
- bull-calf
- wizard
- manager
- giant
- patron
- founder
- murderer
Exercise -1
- ignorance
- opposition
- violence
- hatred
- death
- heroism
- patriotism
- beggary
- agency
- ability
- absence
- width
- height
- poverty
- novelty
- sight
- seizure
- stealth
- starvation
- theft
Exercise -2
- mistress
- empress
- conductress
- shepherdess
- mayoress
- milk-maid
- heiress
- widow
- pea-hen
- she-goat
- vixen
- countess
- nun
- cow-calf
- witch
- manageress
- giantess
- patroness
- foundress
- murderess
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